Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Indonesia. Tawanmangu.

We left Yogyakarta, again happily and made our way up into the mountains once again. We had a crazy driver who flung is around when going up the twisty roads. I had looked up Tawangmangu on trip advisor the night before and seen that there were no posts of things to do, so I decided to do the wall that was put on by our guide. We stopped lunch in a restaurant with a great view, but with horrendous karaoke at maximum volume. It was horrendous. We also got given a crappy western menu and everyone else looked like they had much better food! 

After lunch we met up with the guide who would be taking us on the walk and we set off in buses even further up into the hills. It had started to rain and our first stop was a harvest temple which was really bizarre. It was lots of erotic carvings about reproduction and fertility. Bizarre! 

Next the walk started. We were waking to a waterfall near our hotel. We had been told the walk was easy and could be done in flop flops and was quite flat. Well it became clear that our overweight tour guide had never done this walk! It was so steep up and down and went on for hours! The views were nice but the local guide kept telling us to slow down as he couldn't keep up!

As we were getting further on one of our group fell I'll and he got a bike ride to the hotel, we were so jealous! But the cherry topper was that when we finally got to the waterfalls, they were closed!!! We were not impressed!! The walk to the hotel took forever and I was so miserable!  There was a nice sunset at least over some mountains and a volcano and had fun climbing a water tower to get a better view!

In the evening we had a really terrible meal and then had some strange fruit explained to us at the fruit market. I was happy to finally taste the Bali mandarin which looks a bit like a grapefruit. It wasn't very tasty, but was refreshing. As we were absolutely in the middle of nowhere, it was a ridiculously early night to be had! Another great stop in Indonesia!

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